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Hey Ed!

A million pardons for not having gotten back to you. I'd lately been in a lock of procrastination.

I have been following your letters and have been meaning to respond. Things are O.K. in Aberdeen,

Maryland. You mentioned surgery last week. I hope you're O.K.

I've been fooling around with song writing, with very slow progress. I've got a few hooks that I'm

exploring. I remember when you were living in a house on Rosedale Road between Briarcliff Rd.

and Virginia Highland, I paid a visit and during our conversation, you made a remark that "stopped

my world"--that it is easier to write music than it is to write song lyrics. Having invested so much time

into practicing piano, I didn't want to believe it. But I have from time to time tried to write songs,

and I think that you're probably right.

I called and talked to Bruce Schultz a few years ago when I was still in Atlanta. We spoke briefly,

but at the time we never managed to get together. I'm very sorry that Bruce is having health problems.

I'm going to send Dana a watercolor that I painted for her; my brother Mark very generously

offered to frame it so I need to get that done. I'm slow about getting things done.

Anyway, that about wraps things up here.

(As a postscript: The first time that I heard "Ode to Billy Joe" was driving up Monroe Drive

in a driver's ed course. It was eerie. I had never heard anything like it. I've never read any

Faulkner, and I don't regret the lack. Hearing "Ode to Billy Joe" is the equivalent of reading

an entire novel.)

Keep on Truckin"!

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